document type


publication date

spring 4-2023


the “school-to-prison pipeline” is a disturbing national trend where school policies and practices unjustly funnel children—namely children who are black and brown and/or have disabilities—into the juvenile justice system. students of color are far more likely to be suspended, expelled, or arrested for the same kind of behavior as their white peers, and youth with disabilities are acutely affected by schools who ignore due process protections. such students would benefit from extra supports and resources but instead face zero-tolerance policies, exclusionary discipline, and unreasonable difficulties with re-entry into school. the following research presents a review of current literature as it relates to the risk and protective factors for juvenile delinquency, as well as an analysis of mentorship as an evidence-based intervention. the risk and protective factor framework developed by community coalition for healthy youth informs the proposed intervention and provides a holistic approach for addressing adolescent delinquency. this poster explores why certain youth are punished, penalized, and incarcerated at a drastically higher rate than their counterparts and presents a detailed design for a school-based mentorship program aimed at promoting the development of strong, stable relationships between school adults and students to disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline.

hoff_mackiah sss poster.pdf (718 kb)
capstone research poster presented at 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 's student scholar symposium 2023.

