journal of music theory pedagogy e-journal 2013-2017 - 加纳vs乌拉圭预测 copyright (c) 2024 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 all rights reserved. recent documents in journal of music theory pedagogy e-journal 2013-2017 en-us mon, 26 aug 2024 12:08:39 pdt 3600 teaching 3/8 as a prelude to teaching 6/8 fri, 05 may 2023 11:50:33 pdt paula telesco galant style composition using koch's versuch and voice-leading schemata fri, 05 may 2023 11:50:32 pdt robert gjerdingen’s 2007 study, music in the galant style, offers today’s music theory teachers the possibility of using idiomatic voice-leading progressions from the eighteenth-century in the modern theory classroom. these progressions, currently identified as schemata, would have been taught to musicians using a methodology known as partimento, a cross between a thorough-bass exercise and a compositional sketch. one aspect that gjerdingen does not cover, however, is how musicians from the period were taught form. eighteenth-century theorists, like heinrich christoph koch, are explicit in detailing the relationship of smaller forms like dances and songs to larger forms like sonatas, arias, and concertos; the latter are said to grow out of the former by means of expanding musical periods. in volume two of koch’s versuch einer anleitung zur composition (1793), the theorist features a series beginner’s exercises in the smaller forms intended to lead to larger compositions. inspired by both gjerdingen’s study and koch’s treatise, this article argues for a historical approach to music theory pedagogy, chronicling the classroom experience of a second-semester theory course that featured a series of galant-style composition assignments. starting with a four-measure phrase, students went on to compose eight-measure periods, sixteen-measure dances, forty-measure theme and variations, and sixty-measure rondos. students used galant schemata borrowed from gjerdingen to create original melodies that were stylistically idiomatic. the result was a method to teaching music theory whereby students acquired the ability to compose original works in an eighteenth-century style.

adem merter birson merter birson
report on pedagogy into practice conference fri, 05 may 2023 11:50:32 pdt on june 1-3, 2017, the gail de stwolinski center for music theory pedagogy and the journal of music theory pedagogy sponsored a conference title “pedagogy into practice: teaching music theory in the twenty-first century.” held at lee university in cleveland, tn, the conference featured papers, poster sessions, and workshops dealing with varying aspects of music theory pedagogy scholarship.

patricia burt et al.
maximizing the benefits of using familiar music in undergraduate music theory fri, 05 may 2023 11:35:26 pdt ivan jimenez surviving set theory: a pedagogical game and cooperative learning approach to undergraduate post-tonal music theory fri, 05 may 2023 11:35:25 pdt undergraduate music students often experience difficulties when they first encounter pitch-class set theory, an analytical methodology very different from those they have studied previously. with the goal of fostering good will and openness toward studying post-tonal music, i adapt the reality competition show survivor to frame a four-week unit on set theory and provide empirical results of set theory survivor via student questionnaires and comments. the results of the study confirm that by combining the peer support of cooperative learning with the motivational force of constructive intergroup competition and the fun of a pedagogical game, set theory survivor presents an effective approach to a difficult subject and provides a creative tool to enhance the pedagogy of pitch-class set theory.

angela ripley
so you want to write a chord progression? teaching core music theory using the phrase model handout fri, 05 may 2023 11:35:25 pdt this article explains and provides suggestions for implementing the phrase model handout, a pedagogical resource found at music theory pedagogy online. the phrase model handout is a single-page, tabloid-size document that presents an array of harmonic expansions, predominant harmonies, and cadential figurations all within the framework of the phrase. the phrase model handout draws significantly on the pedagogical texts of laitz, caplin, and aldwell and schachter, and is intended as a supplement to textbooks that do not emphasize harmonic idioms or the linear structures of harmonic progressions. this article contains pedagogical applications of the phrase model handout at all levels and to many topics of the harmony and aural skills sequences, including tonic and non-tonic expansions, harmonic function, harmonic syntax, voice leading, secondary chord usage, chromatic predominants, cadential bass lines, and cadence types.

daniel stevens
practices, needs, and 21st-century concerns in the undergraduate music theory curriculum as identified by the oklahoma music theory roundtable: a descriptive study fri, 05 may 2023 11:25:25 pdt the primary purpose of this study was to address curricular concerns defined during the open discussion forum of the annual oklahoma music theory roundtable (omtr), held at the university of tulsa in 2011. during the 2012-2013 academic year, the author of this study formulated a panel of experts and created a survey. instructors’ profiles, practices, curricular needs, and 21st-century concerns were examined using a sample of anonymous postsecondary oklahoma music theory instructors (n = 27; 35.06%) who are affiliated with the omtr. data collection and analysis were conducted, and results were delivered at the 2013 annual omtr conference held at oral roberts university.

sheila cathey
helping non-singers overcome fear and anxiety in aural skills fri, 05 may 2023 11:25:24 pdt andrew hannon toward a modular theory class fri, 05 may 2023 11:25:24 pdt j. wesley flinn recomposition and the sonata theory learning laboratory fri, 05 may 2023 11:25:23 pdt andrew aziz transforming students into theorists - the chromatic harmony wiki project fri, 05 may 2023 09:45:19 pdt joseph plazak nine tips and tools for improving student performance in freshman music theory fri, 05 may 2023 09:45:19 pdt mike zachary video and podcasting tools for blended, flipped, and fully-online music theory courses fri, 05 may 2023 09:45:18 pdt gregory r. mccandless et al. utilizing the tone row in jazz pedagogy- a technique to create tonal harmony in an atonal environment fri, 05 may 2023 09:35:16 pdt this paper examines a jazz pedagogical method, based on a bill evans composition, that utilizes schoenberg's serial tone row in a harmonically tonal setting. by exploring the extensive harmonic possibilities produced by one tone row, this method guides students through the creation of harmonic options to produce tonal accompaniment against atonal melodic content. the result of this exercise establishes numerous harmonic possibilities for the tone row and may also serves as a rigorous theoretical exercise in chord construction. the paper further discusses the unique capacity of the exercise to help students connect intuitive organic music choices with empirical pedagogical elements.

paul musso
ipad apps for the music theory classroom fri, 05 may 2023 09:35:15 pdt bradley green a caplin-style analysis of beethoven's piano sonata in c major, op. 2, no. 3, movement i fri, 05 may 2023 09:35:15 pdt erik heine managing competency-based grading in music theory fri, 05 may 2023 09:20:13 pdt richard a. williamson graduate music theory review- an on-line solution fri, 05 may 2023 09:20:13 pdt william g. harbinson teaching analysis of chromatic chords through chord qualities fri, 05 may 2023 09:20:12 pdt carissa reddick the power of prediction ear training and the scientific method fri, 05 may 2023 09:20:12 pdt diane follet