

paula telesco


when teaching rhythm, it can be difficult to convey the concept that beats are not just attack points but have a full duration, which can be divided into many parts; it can also be difficult for students to understand how those divisions and subdivisions do or do not coincide. i have created a number of rhythm clocks (attached) that include color-coded ta ka di mi syllables (red) and 1 ee and uh counting syllables (blue) to show the division and subdivision of the beat into 2, 3, 4, and 6 parts, and to show simple and compound divisions and subdivisions combined. i also utilize chopsticks to teach aurally one-beat rhythmic patterns; these are demonstrated in the “rhythm tapping patterns” videos, and illustrated in the “illustrated tapping patterns and notation” handout, which includes both a protonotation for students who do not yet read music (or read it fluently), and actual notation, for students who do, and/or for instructors. this material has been designed primarily for beginning students, appropriate for high school ap students, non-music majors, music minors, or students taking remedial theory, but it is also appropriate for demonstrating more complex patterns for more advanced students.

teaching with chopsticks and a rhythm clock; illustrated tapping patterns and notation.pdf (1027 kb)
rhythm tapping patterns

teaching with chopsticks and a rhythm clock; all clocks.pdf (12920 kb)
various rhythm clocks

ta di, 1 and.m4v (5375 kb)
ta di, 1 and. recording

ta ka di mi, 1 ee and uh.m4v (4568 kb)
ta ka di mi, 1 ee and uh. recording

ta ka diΓÇô, 1 ee andΓÇô.m4v (4447 kb)
ta ka di-, 1 ee and -. recording

ta va ki di da ma, 1 a trip a let a.m4v (6016 kb)
ta va ki di da ma, 1 a trip a let a. recording

taΓÇôdi mi, 1ΓÇôand uh.m4v (4482 kb)
ta-di mi, 1-and uh. recording

rhythm clock, 2 part divisions, counting and takadimi.jpg (723 kb)
rhythm clock, 2 part divisions, counting and takadimi

rhythm clock, 2 part divisions, counting.jpg (680 kb)
rhythm clock, 2 part divisions, counting

rhythm clock, 2 part divisions, takadimi.jpg (676 kb)
rhythm clock, 2 part divisions, takadimi

rhythm clock, 2, 3 part divisions, counting.jpg (723 kb)
rhythm clock, 2, 3 part divisions, counting

rhythm clock, 2, 3 part divisions, takadimi and counting.jpg (784 kb)
rhythm clock, 2, 3 part divisions, takadimi and counting

rhythm clock, 2, 3 part divisions, takadimi.jpg (708 kb)
rhythm clock, 2, 3 part divisions, takadimi

rhythm clock, 2, 3, 4, 6-part subdivisions, takadimi and counting.jpg (899 kb)
rhythm clock, 2, 3, 4, 6-part subdivisions, takadimi and counting

rhythm clock, 3 part divisions, counting.jpg (688 kb)
rhythm clock, 3 part divisions, counting

rhythm clock, 3 part divisions, takadimi and counting.jpg (736 kb)
rhythm clock, 3 part divisions, takadimi and counting

rhythm clock, 3 part divisions, takadimi.jpg (685 kb)
rhythm clock, 3 part divisions, takadimi

rhythm clock, 3, 4 part subdivisions, counting.jpg (792 kb)
rhythm clock, 3, 4 part subdivisions, counting

rhythm clock, 3, 4 part subdivisions, takadimi.jpg (794 kb)
rhythm clock, 3, 4 part subdivisions, takadimi

rhythm clock, 4 part subdivisions, counting and takadimi.jpg (790 kb)
rhythm clock, 4 part subdivisions, counting and takadimi

rhythm clock, 4 part subdivisions, counting.jpg (704 kb)
rhythm clock, 4 part subdivisions, counting

rhythm clock, 4 part subdivisions, takadimi.jpg (729 kb)
rhythm clock, 4 part subdivisions, takadimi

rhythm clock, 4, 6 part subdivisions, counting.jpg (784 kb)
rhythm clock, 4, 6 part subdivisions, counting

rhythm clock, 4, 6 part subdivisions, takadimi.jpg (785 kb)
rhythm clock, 4, 6 part subdivisions, takadimi

rhythm clock, 6 part subdivisions, counting and takadimi.jpg (812 kb)
rhythm clock, 6 part subdivisions, counting and takadimi

rhythm clock, 6 part subdivisions, counting.jpg (738 kb)
rhythm clock, 6 part subdivisions, counting

rhythm clock, 6 part subdivisions, takadimi.jpg (751 kb)
rhythm clock, 6 part subdivisions, takadimi

