
aims & scope


articles on any aspect of teaching or learning music theory will be considered, whether the topic addresses core music theory and aural skills classes, a more specialized topic, or a general topic such as curricular revision. preference is given to articles that advance the scholarship of teaching and learning in music theory, and submissions that are accounts of classroom practice may be better suited for the resources section of the journal. our audience includes professional music theorists, non-theory-specialists (e.g., performer/teachers), graduate assistants, and teachers of pre-college music theory. article lengths average 7,000-10,000 words. contributions will be judged on originality, relevance, interest to a diverse audience, and clarity of writing. the journal of music theory pedagogy sends submissions to at least two peer reviewers, after which the editor(s) will make a final determination on publication and will provide anonymized peer reviews to authors. we strive to have peer reviews completed within three months to ensure a timely process.


successful contributions to the resources section of jmtp focus on core music theory topics (from fundamentals through advanced concepts) in college/university and high school settings. special consideration will be given to materials that address topics likely to be taught by junior faculty, non-theory specialists (e.g., performer/teachers), and graduate assistants. we especially welcome resources submissions that embrace not only western music, but also popular, jazz and world music, and music by traditionally underrepresented groups.

resource submissions may fall into any of the following categories:

course document: may include syllabi, grading rubrics, course policies, course outlines, etc. that demonstrate exemplary and potentially novel approaches to course design and assessment.

assessment (quiz/test): we request that tests and quizzes include answer keys; please submit assessments that are no longer actively used in your course.

worksheet/assignment: links to editable notation files are welcome (finale, sibelius, musescore, noteflight etc.) so that readers may adapt assignments for their own classrooms.

lesson plan/ sample analysis: indicate the course in which the lesson is typically taught, and ideal run time for the lesson. (how many sessions, 50- or 75-minute class meeting etc.)

teaching video/demonstration: please ensure that written consent is obtained from any student who is seen or heard in the video. because of the nature of this type of submission, anonymity cannot be guaranteed in peer review. demonstrations that are obviously intended to advertise a product will not be considered.

website/blog: contributors should only submit links to their own content. because of the nature of this type of submission, anonymity cannot be guaranteed in peer review.

other: may include bibliographies, essays on general pedagogy, online courses, etc.