submissions from 2024
discerning the missional implications of context: a demographic study of great falls for the great falls church of christ, matthew c. burleson
an evaluative assessment of leadership retreat as a spiritually formative experience for leaders of campus churches affiliated with the churches of christ in ghana, frank obeng essien
submissions from 2023
god our neighbor: discerning our calling by discovering god's life in our neighborhood, wayne d. beason ii
embodying the image of god: a call to holistic spiritual formation, katelyn jo brackney
spiritual formation through visual art in the churches of christ, emily h. bruff
recovering the art of testimony, as embodied within the historical black church, as a missionally formative practice, christopher cobbler
the efficacy of shared spiritual practices toward the formation of families at mayfair church of christ in huntsville, alabama, matthew p. flynn
gathered together: the impact of in-person experiences in a virtual age, consuela knox
table of belonging: exploring social reversal at st. paul's episcopal church, natalie magnusson
transformational healing within an incarcerated exile community, david w. phipps jr.
the spiritual impact of female pastoral leadership on members of new heritage fellowship, cheryl russell
a gentle whisper: restorying the narrative of eleven ministers to create a collective voice in the battle against burnout, darrel sears
is this our story? is this our song?: discovering the formational experiences of black christians in predominantly white churches, christopher lynn shields ii