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biochem/chem students

department of chemistry and biochemistry

we educate successful scientists and health care professionals.

our department is approved by the american chemical society's committee for professional training. acs-cpt approval assures a "broad-based and rigorous chemistry education that gives students intellectual, experimental and communication skills to become effective scientific professionals." our students benefit from small classes, two state-of-the-art teaching laboratories, award-winning faculty, extensive instrumentation and opportunities for undergraduate research.

working on a specimen


chemists work in a variety of sectors including medical, industrial, governmental, educational, environmental and nonprofit. with a chemistry degree, you will be trained in all fundamental areas of chemistry such as organic, inorganic, physical, biological and analytical with opportunities to learn about more advanced topics such as green chemistry, polymers and nanomaterials. while anyone can choose the chemistry major, it is primarily designed for students interested in pursuing graduate school in chemistry with the goal of becoming a chemist or professor.

about chemistry
working on specimens


biochemists use the principles of chemistry and apply them to biological systems. similar to the chemistry major, students who choose biochemistry will be trained in all fundamental areas of chemistry such as organic, inorganic, physical, biological and analytical with a more robust training in biology and biological applications of chemistry (i.e., medicinal, agricultural, etc.). while anyone can choose a biochemistry major, it is primarily intended for people interested in pursuing graduate school in biochemistry with the goal of becoming a biochemist or professor.

about biochemistry
student in lab

biochemistry for health professions

the biochemistry for health professions major is ideal for those aspiring to enter professional programs like medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, physician’s assistant, physical therapy and other health-related fields. this program is designed to fulfill prerequisites for most professional schools, providing comprehensive training in chemistry and biology. it equips students with a solid foundation for pursuing successful careers in health-related fields.

about biochemistry for health professionals
student in lab

applied chemistry

interested in tailoring a chemistry degree to include training in another area or field? the applied chemistry major is intended to offer you a robust education in chemistry providing the flexibility to couple your chemistry education with another area such as forensics, business, computer science, mathematics, writing and more. the department of chemistry and biochemistry is open to tailoring the applied chemistry degree plan to your needs and interests.

about applied chemistry
student in lab

chemistry education

if the teaching field is your path, you'll gain an excellent background in chemistry as well as the educational knowledge you need to prepare for your own students. chemistry teachers are in demand, and our students are regularly recruited. they move on to the classroom and often become educational administrators — principals, assistant principals and heads of school.

about chemistry education

rate for job placement/graduate school


of our alumni have earned doctorates


of our alumni are physicians