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undergraduate programs - leadership

these degrees will model the highest standards of professional practice, public service and community engagement while combining these experiences with the specific skill sets and theoretical foundations of each of the disciplines represented in the college.

in addition to outstanding educational and engagement opportunities, the college of leadership and public service offers programs featuring national and international leaders related to the work of the college.

this creative engagement approach to undergraduate education establishes these programs and majors as national leaders in their respective fields.

  • bachelor of arts, bachelor of science, minor
    law, justice and society

    we know you want to change the world, and we know legal change is one of the best ways to effect social change. so we'll make sure you gain a strong understanding of america's legal system from distinguished politicians in real-life experiences.

  • bachelor of arts, bachelor of science
    urban leadership & development

    a flourishing future depends on our understanding of the complexity of cities and the possibilities they offer. nashville is full of both — traverse its intricate political, social and economic terrain, and gain hands-on experience with its diverse leaders and neighborhoods.