sep 18, 2024
2024-2025 undergraduate catalog
biomedical physics major
specific courses required:
- by 1134 - principles of biology: cell and genetics (4) f, sp
- by 2114 - cell biology (4) f, sp
- by 3514 - human anatomy and physiology i (4) f
- by 3524 - human anatomy and physiology ii (4) sp
- cm 1113 - general chemistry i (3) f, su
- cm 1211 - general chemistry i laboratory (1) f, su
- cm 1123 - general chemistry ii (3) sp, su
- cm 1221 - general chemistry ii laboratory (1) sp, su
- cm 2113 - organic chemistry i (3) f, su
- cm 2123 - organic chemistry ii (3) sp, su
- cm 2211 - organic chemistry i laboratory (1) f, su
- cm 2221 - organic chemistry ii laboratory (1) sp, su
- cm 3313 - biochemistry i (3) f, su offered in the summer on demand
- eece 2213 - circuits i (3) f, sp
- ma 1314 - calculus i (4) f, sp, su
- ma 2314 - calculus ii (4) f, sp, su
- ma 2324 - calculus iii (4) f, sp, (su on demand)
- ma 3133 - differential equations (3) f, sp
- ma 4403 - advanced applied mathematics (3) f
- ph 2414 - general physics i (4) sp, su
- ph 2424 - general physics ii (4) f
- ph 2434 - structure of matter (4) sp
- ph 3303 - mechanics (3) sp
- ph 3403 - electromagnetic fields (3) f
- ph 3703 - thermal physics (3) f
- ph 3903 - introduction to biomedical physics (3) f
- ph 3913 - biomedical physics research seminar (3) sp
- ph 4313 - quantum theory (3) f
- ph 4991 - senior seminar (1) f
the requirements for an applied mathematics minor and a chemistry minor are automatically satisfied.