nov 25, 2024
2023-2024 undergraduate catalog [archived catalog]
food systems management, b.s.
specific courses required:
- ac 2503 - financial accounting (3) f, sp, su
- ac 2513 - managerial accounting (3) f, sp, su
- ba 3703 - business communication (3) f, sp
- by 2424 - introductory microbiology (4) f, sp, su
- cm 1013 - introduction to chemistry (3) f, sp, su
- ec 2413 - principles of microeconomics (3) f, sp, su
- ec 2403 - principles of macroeconomics (3) f, sp, su
- mg 3503 - leading and managing people (3) f, sp, su
- mg 3613 - legal aspects of business i (3) f, sp, su
- mg 4453 - human resource management (3) f, sp, su
- mk 3503 - principles of marketing (3) f, sp, su
- mk 3533 - marketing management (3) f, sp
- nutr 1011 - professional orientation (1) f
- nutr 1213 - food science (3) f, sp
- nutr 2613 - principles of nutrition (3) f, sp
- nutr 3213 - food research and production (3) sp
- nutr 4043 - practicum (3) f, sp, su on demand
- nutr 4093 - senior seminar (3) f
- nutr 4213 - food systems management i (3) f
- nutr 4223 - food systems management ii (3) sp
- nutr 4232 - quantity food production, safety, and sanitation (2) sp
- ps 3323 - business and industrial psychology (3) f
a minor in distributive business is satisfied with this program.