sep 19, 2024
2022-23 undergraduate catalog [archived catalog]
psychology (b.s. or b.a.)
required courses (36 hours)
- ps 1113 - introduction to psychology (3) f, sp, su
- ps 2423 - life span development (3) f, sp, su
- ps 2313 - behavior modification (3) f, sp
- ps 2503 - behavioral statistics (3) f, sp, su
- ps 2603 - introduction to psychological research (3) f, sp
- ps 3413 - social psychology (3) f, sp
- ps 3463 - personality theories (3) f, sp, su
- ps 3543 - psychological measurement (3) f, sp
- ps 4423 - abnormal psychology (3) f, sp, su
- ps 4523 - cognitive psychology (3) f, sp
- ps 4543 - biological psychology (3) f, sp, su
- ps 4613 - history and systems of psychology (3) f, sp
electives (choose 9 hours)