nov 09, 2024
2018-2019 undergraduate catalog [archived catalog]
psychology minor
specific courses required (12 hours)
available electives (6 hours)
- ps 2313 - behavior modification (3) f, sp
- ps 2503 - behavioral statistics (3) f, sp, su
- ps 2603 - introduction to psychological research (3) f, sp
- ps 3141 - independent research (1) offered on demand
- ps 3243 - human development and learning (3) f, sp, su
- ps 3323 - business and industrial psychology (3) f
- ps 3453 - death and dying (3) f, sp, su
- ps 3483 - human sexuality (3) f, sp
- ps 3513 - drugs and behavior (3) f, su
- ps 3543 - psychological measurement (3) f (day), sp (evening)
- ps 412v - psychological topics (1-3)
- ps 4423 - abnormal psychology (3) f, sp, su
- ps 4523 - cognitive psychology (3) sp
- ps 4543 - biological psychology (3) f, su
- ps 460v - internship in psychology (1-3) offered on demand
- ps 4613 - history and systems of psychology (3) f, sp
- ps 4913 - research practicum (3) offered on demand