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department of biology

as both christians and biologists, we believe the study of biology enables a profound appreciation for the diversity, complexity, and mysteries of the world around us. ultimately, we believe studying biology instills a deep love for our creator.

through transformative mentorship, a rigorous curriculum, and cutting-edge research, our majors are well-prepared to pursue a diverse array of careers. in fact, we boast a greater than 95% job placement rate within 6 months of graduation. additionally, we have an exceptional track record with graduate/professional schools with above an 80% acceptance rate which is double the national average. 

about us

our programs


grow your working knowledge of biology through research experience in our state-of-the-art laboratories. our faculty are world-class scientists who stay current in their field, and they craft learning around your passions.

about biology

molecular biology

we will help you prepare for a career in the life sciences: think clinical or biomedical research, or other graduate programs in the allied health professions. our faculty, world-respected biomedical research scientists, will provide you with a strong understanding of the cellular mechanisms underlying human physiology, genetics and disease.

about molecular biology


take an interdisciplinary approach to neurobiology with a strong emphasis on understanding the biology behind neuroscience and how biology impacts behavior through a minor in neuropsychology.

about neurobiology

bioscience and philosophy

dive into the deep ethical questions faced by health professionals as technological and medical advances change the field of bioscience. make insightful philosophical contributions as you hone your skills in the sciences of biology and chemistry.

about bioscience and philosophy

biology teaching

interact with other scientific instructors from all around the united states, hear about cutting-edge research, and network. gain the opportunity to network as a biology teacher during clinical practice classes, which will position you for employment after graduation.

about biology teaching

national average for professional schools


acceptance rate into medical school


placement rate into job/graduate school