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bible and ministry blog

  • welcome alden bass, terry koonce distinguished chair of bible & ministry

    august 16, 2024

    “i’m excited to train people doing ministry in the field. i love theology, especially lived theology – theology on the ground,” said alden bass, the inaugural terry koonce distinguished chair of bible and ministry.

  • bible land adventures - a conversation with scott sager

    february 20, 2024

    seasoned travel leader and bible professor scott sager designed bible land adventures from his over thirty years of experience in israel. he kindly sat down with us to talk about this new book.

  • lessons from a croatian summer camp

    december 5, 2023

    “by integrating strong academics with spiritual formation and practical experience, we will prepare you to serve christ’s mission in the world with integrity and truth.”

  • meet johanna newsome

    january 9, 2023

    lipscomb missions would like to welcome our new team member, johanna newsome! she started in the program coordinator role a few weeks ago and is quickly becoming familiar with our program, processes and all of our host partners. 

  • church as classroom: competency-based theological education

    january 9, 2023

    "it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t matter.”

    “it’s not enough to have the best class in the world if it doesn’t connect,” says randy willingham, director of lipscomb’s new competency-based theological education (cbte) program. “the question becomes ‘does it work or not?’”

    with the launch of the cbte, lipscomb’s hazelip school of theology is pursuing the heart of what matters.

    “our main goal with this program is to equip members of the church to do ministry in areas they are passionate about and gifted to do,” says john mark hicks.

  • what? why? how? now?

    november 17, 2022

    walter surdacki, professor of youth and family ministry at lipscomb, has co-authored practical wisdom for youth group parents (2022). it is a quick start guide for adults in youth ministry structured around these four practical questions. 

    its authors, david fraze and walter surdacki, wrote practical wisdom to help readers “get ready for and then navigate those youth ministry years as a family. you heard that correctly, as a family.”

  • evan richardson — helping students discern and thrive

    november 16, 2022

    when asked what he would like people to know about him, evan richardson does not hesitate to answer. “i am the uncle of two amazing nieces! i see life differently because of them. they have changed the way i make decisions and have given my decisions new meaning."

    understanding the meaningful facets of decision-making is at the core of his new role in the college of bible and ministry: recruiting for both the hazelip school of theology and the lanier center for archaeology.

  • olivia jaques (malham) recruits from the heart

    november 16, 2022

    “when i was an undergrad at lipscomb, the cbm community deeply impacted my spiritual and personal formation. i enjoyed the academic community and worked well with everyone,” says olivia jacques.

    so, when the college of bible and ministry posted an undergraduate recruiter position, she knew she had to apply. “it is so easy and genuine for me to recruit for this community because i can personally vouch for it. i am excited about this role because i can recruit and market for the cbm from a genuine place of love and respect.”

  • junior nursing major ashlyn holmes reflects on spring break missions experience

    september 13, 2022

    a reflection from ashlyn holmes, junior nursing major, on her spring break missions experience

    when i was looking for universities, lipscomb’s missions program is what initially attracted me here and sparked my interest in attending a school with a robust missions program. once i chose lipscomb and became involved in the community, i immediately began looking for ways to serve both within and outside of lipscomb’s campus.