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undergraduate programs - bible & ministry

ministry today assumes a variety of forms.

in addition to more traditional paths such as youth ministry, preaching or foreign missions, many desire to pursue domestic church planting, urban ministry or life in an intentional community. the core theology and ministry major at lipscomb provides a foundation of knowledge, tools and skills that are critical for any type of ministry.

the classroom plays a vital role in a minister’s education, especially with a faculty like lipscomb’s that possesses extensive and varied personal experiences. in order to prepare to minister in the contemporary context, however, students need opportunities to learn through direct engagement with churches, service agencies and a community that reflects the diversity of today’s world. lipscomb’s location in nashville provides abundant opportunities for such engagement to play a significant role in its students’ education.

  • bachelor of arts
    b.a. in pastoral leadership & m.a. in pastoral studies

    in today’s world, effective ministry involves more than just knowledge. the needs of those you serve are often complex and change over time. enter the world of ministry with more training and experience than a standard ministry program. through this cost-effective and convenient pathway, you will earn both your bachelor’s and master’s degrees while in residence at 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 .

  • bachelor of arts, minor
    children's ministry

    grow your passion for the spiritual formation of children with a degree in children's ministry. your competency in curriculum evaluation will evolve; your confidence will also rise as you go deeper in your research and studies. you will soon serve as a spiritual leader to the young.

  • bachelor of arts
    mission, ministry and leadership

    our vocational ministry program is designed to serve as a supplemental degree to whatever discipline you pursue. you’ll engage in both academic learning and theological training. that way, you’ll be well-prepared to use your career as a ministry tool.

  • bachelor of arts
    theology and ministry

    you're passionate about ministry, so learn from devoted theologians who will train you to step into kingdom service, wherever god calls you. we'll provide the foundation of knowledge, tools and skills you need for an array of vocational callings.

  • bachelor of arts
    youth ministry

    you seek to work with youth and families, nurturing the future of the kingdom. this degree addresses what a healthy youth ministry looks like, how to welcome families into the spiritual care of children and youth, the family science behind this work, and congregational dynamics.

  • bachelor of arts, minor
    worship arts

    blend your musical talent with your passion for church involvement and leadership. our program focuses on biblical studies, as well as historical and theological aspects of worship, and the musical ability you’ll need to adapt songs for use in worship.

  • minor

    dive deeper into theological study and biblical interpretation, beyond what is taken in the general education requirements. the fundamental courses from our bible majors are included in this minor; they are intended to be useful to any student who wants to learn more about the bible, church history, and theological study.

  • minor
    biblical languages

    grow in knowledge of the biblical languages and gain a thorough introduction to both greek and hebrew to better interpret biblical texts as a scholar,

  • minor

    bolster your theological studies with a comprehensive knowledge of the bible’s early-day translations. gain additional insight into the teachings of the text by understanding the greek language.

  • minor

    capture a deeper understanding and appreciation for the old testament teachings by learning its original language: hebrew. you’ve got a passion to spread the word, but now you will do it with more accuracy and intent.