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every student's journey to discovering the right school looks different. what will yours be?

you can already envision your perfect school. a connected campus community. supportive and engaging professors. experiences that give purpose to your potential. we think you’ll find what you’re looking for and more at 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 , where all you bring makes all the difference.

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current students who found the right fit at lipscomb

lauren phillips (‘26)

lauren phillips (‘26)

lauren found lipscomb through her college search, seeking a smaller christian community and a specialized major in neurobiology. lipscomb exceeded her expectations with its intimate setting and opportunities for impactful research. engaged in various campus activities, lauren cherishes the intentional care and welcoming atmosphere that make lipscomb feel like home. her advice to prospective students? be open to surprises—lipscomb surpassed her expectations in fostering a sense of belonging and purpose.

meet lauren
jackson gibree

jackson gibree (’26)

jackson recognized a need for more energy and enthusiasm in supporting lipscomb’s athletic teams, so he spearheaded the creation of the lippy lunatics student section, igniting a fervent fan culture across all sports. beyond athletics, jackson found a welcoming community at lipscomb, where he quickly felt at home and forged lifelong friendships. his passion for sports and commitment to campus engagement embody the vibrant spirit of 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 .

meet jackson
riley robertson

riley robertson (’27)

riley navigated the college search process with prayer and patience, ultimately finding her home at lipscomb during presidential scholars weekend. since arriving, she's embraced campus life, founding the tennis club, volunteering with ideal, and thriving in the honors college. elam hall became her community, affirming her decision to choose lipscomb as the best she's ever made.

meet riley
ben barry

ben barry (’25)

ben discovered lipscomb through his online search process, and when he did make it to campus for a visit, the experience didn't disappoint. during new student orientation, his quest team leader recruited him to work for admissions. and now that he’s here, it's been everything he hoped for, and ben is deeply involved in campus life through a variety of activities and organizations.

meet ben
marin brown (’26)

marin brown (’26)

her whole life marin knew where she wanted to go to college, but she didn’t end up there. during her junior year of high school, marin’s best friend who was thriving as a freshman engineering major at lipscomb invited marin to come for a visit, and she immediately fell in love with campus. “walking this campus i just felt at home,” she remembers. i felt a click in my heart that i was supposed to be here. i knew that here i would be safe, i would belong, and i could work for something greater.”

meet marin

seth richards (’27)

seth, initially nervous about coming to lipscomb, quickly found a welcoming community during questweek. now deeply involved in campus life through roles like the admission tour team and various clubs, seth values lipscomb’s supportive environment and focus on vocational discovery. embracing the university’s small community and christ-centered values, seth feels empowered to pursue his calling alongside like-minded peers.

meet seth

“i went on a tour of campus here, and after like the first 30 minutes, i immediately knew. i’ve grown up in nashville my entire life, and i’ve yet to be bored of this city." - elliot jones (’23)

“i found lipscomb entirely on the web. since i’ve gotten here, i’ve made so many friends and built so many connections. if you are interested in a small school with a good campus and a good community, lipscomb might be for you.” - ben barry (’25)

“lipscomb was the only school that was reaching out to me every week—sending me emails, making sure i was ok through admissions and through the financial aid process. they were reaching out to me. no other school did that.” - julia carvalho correa (’23)

what matters to you


academic experiences sharpen your skills and abilities and give focus to your professional aspirations. you’ll find a rich learning community at lipscomb, marked by rigorous courses and encouraging faculty who will challenge and nurture you to bring out your best.

academic programs
pre-college programs
pre-college programs

our pre-college summer programs offer a wide variety of summer experiences that offer course credit to help you jump-start your college career. get a taste of life as a college student, make connections with faculty and gain valuable hands-on learning experience.

pre-college programs
admissions requirements
admissions requirements

lipscomb's requirements for admissions ensure that you can thrive in our academically rigorous learning community. our application process is test optional, and our holistic admissions review means we evaluate you on the merits of who you are, not just your numbers.

admissions requirements

a college education is an investment, and you should expect it to pay off in the form of internship and job opportunities, graduate school acceptance and a network of people that will support you for the rest of your life.

financial aid

life at lipscomb

student life
student life

every day, lipscomb’s campus comes alive with activity—events in bison square, eno hammocks on a spring day, classes and organizations meeting all over campus. the buzz of student life is undeniable. with 100 clubs and organizations on campus, you’re sure to find something that interests you.

student life

our campus is in a thriving neighborhood in nashville, tennessee—one of the fastest growing cities in the country with a job market that’s booming. that means access to resources and opportunities you won’t find most places.

explore nashville

at lipscomb’s core is a community rooted in christ. this is the essence of everything we do. people who care about you have created programs and can connect you to resources on campus that will help you live out your faith and walk beside you wherever you find yourself on your faith journey.

diverse community
diverse community

with over 40 countries represented on campus, the office of intercultural development unifies, uplifts and educates our community to create an environment where your culture is celebrated and every voice matters.

intercultural development

resources for juniors

autumn trees on lipscomb's campus
narrowing down your college search

all the college options can seem daunting. how do you figure out what schools you want to focus on and learn more about? here are 10 questions to help you decide which schools might be right for you.

narrowing down your search
students talking around a table outdoors at lipscomb
college search checklist

make the most of the time you have now before high school ends. these tips can help you manage the college search process and take off some of the pressure.

college search checklist
students walking outside on-campus
admissions tips

how do i get in? the process starts now. start preparing for the college application and admissions process with these tips to get ahead.

admissions tips

junior viewbook


connect with us

campus visit

see for yourself! schedule a visit to meet our faculty, tour campus and hang out with current students to get a real sense of what your future as a bison could be like.

schedule your visit

virtual events

experience lipscomb from wherever you are. learn about the admission process, scholarships and financial aid options from an admissions counselor. participate in a q&a with a panel of current students who can tell you all about the authentic lipscomb experience.

register for an event


want to learn more about what lipscomb has to offer? fill out a request for information and we will answer any questions you have. find out if lipscomb is the right fit for you!
