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lipscomb in london

with its fascinating museums, the best theatre scene in the world, more green space than any other european city, several top sporting venues, and other numerous attractions, london is the most sought-after city in the world.

home to four unesco world heritage sites, london has been drawing visitors since pre-roman times.

thanks to its rich past and architectural heritage, combined with vibrant shopping centers, year-round series of festivals, and lively entertainment scenes, london is one of the world's must-see cities, and the place our students call home. lipscomb's london program is located just across from st. paul's cathedral, and less than a 15 minute walk from many of london's most famous sites. students will become masters at navigating around the huge city of london on the underground tube and double-decker buses.

lipscomb in london

the program fee includes airfare, a week-long group trip, and all of the expenses for weekly field trips to sites like the tower of london, the london eye, parliament, st. paul’s cathedral, westminster abbey, the tower bridge, and the british museum.

lipscomb in london runs in the fall semesters. global learning recommends that students take between 12-15 hours while participating in a semester-long study abroad program. all students are permitted to take one online course while participating in a semester-long study abroad program. if a 2nd online course is necessary, prior approval by global learning and the student’s advisor are required.


check out the adventures of current and previous london participants on social media.


student testimonials 

there is not a street, not a person, not a building or a restaurant without a story. because of the rich history and all the different people who live in london, history and art are everywhere you go. the city is so spirited and alive; it’s contagious! from giant food markets and pubs, to museums and galleries, to the globe and the national theater, to football matches and going to parks, to vintage shopping and artifact uncovering, london has something for everyone. though there is plenty of opportunities to travel outside the city, i found that even if i stayed in london every weekend, and did at least one thing after school every day, there will still be more to discover. adapting to another country, with different people and different traditions, can significantly strengthen your sense of empathy and self-awareness. while abroad, you’ll collaborate with other people, problem solve, budget your time and resources, and have fun wherever you are! all of these are beneficial skills to have for the rest of your life – and great to put on a resumé! with all of the opportunity to learn, and the exposure to different cultures and ways of life, i was equipped to grow and change into the capable person that i am and still becoming. i would highly encourage all students to study abroad, because it’s the perfect opportunity to diversify your exposure to other people and places. when people say study abroad changed the course of the direction of their lives, they aren’t kidding. i had no idea what i wanted to do career wise before london, but by studying abroad, i realized the limitless range of possibilities for me, and i developed the independence and assertiveness to go after it. london is a vibrant city, an empowering city, and spending time there will help you become a better version of yourself.

- grace morrison