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citi training program

the collaborative institutional training initiative (citi) is a web-based training program providing high quality, peer-reviewed, web-based educational courses. lipscomb has chosen to use the online courses available through this service to provide training for human subjects research, responsible conduct of research and conflict of interest. 

if you have never registered before (you do not have a citi program username) please go to and register an account in the system by clicking on the "register" button under "create an account" from the homepage. after typing and selecting "世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 " from the dynamic drop-down list, follow the prompts to create your account.

if you already have a citi program username, please log into your account, go to main menu, and follow the "click here to affiliate with another institution" link. type and locate 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 via the dynamic drop-down list.