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the writing studio

we're not here because you can't write; we're here because you do!

a student gets help in the writing studio

the writing studio is here to help you perfect what you already do well. here, you can get a new perspective on your writing style and content, share your thoughts with others who want to help you succeed, and refresh your memory of the rules of standard academic american english. instead of editing your work as you sit and watch, we assist you in refining and developing your ideas in an interactive process. we do not promise better grades; instead, we cultivate a newfound confidence in your own abilities.

a “writing studio” by definition is a place of creativity, empathy, and growth, but more importantly, it is a place for all writers and all types of writing. we’re prepared to help you with traditional papers, but we also work with you on all kinds of projects involving literacies, from screenplays to lab reports to digital projects. we even help with graduate application materials, like personal statements. our consultants are excited to meet you and learn more about the writing that you do each day!


to make an appointment for the writing studio, go to

we also have supplemental handouts on various writing topics that you may share and download for your own use. please email dr. brandi kellett, the director of the writing studio, if you see an opportunity for us to add materials on different topics.

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about us

our staff

ryley menges

ryley menges

hi! my name is ryley menges, and i'm from franklin, tn. i’m a senior english major with french and philosophy minors. i love reading, crafts, and pride and prejudice (specifically the keira knightley film)! i am thrilled to help you become more confident in your writing!

abigail mcqueen

abigail mcqueen

hi! my name is abigail mcqueen, and i'm a sophomore english major with a double minor in psychology and marketing. this will be my first semester working at the writing studio. i've lived in nashville my whole life, and while i do enjoy visiting the city's many coffee shops, i much prefer hot chocolate. outside of work, i'm very involved with both my social club and mission 5:13, lipscomb's service club. i enjoy going on runs, reading (i'm always happy to discuss books!), and especially writing. i am so excited to be a part of the writing studio team and cannot wait to work with y'all this year!

germeen tanas

germeen tanas

hello! my name is germeen tanas and i am a third-year english major at lipscomb. on the weekends, i enjoy grabbing boba with friends, going to church, and doing some light reading! i've always enjoyed the thrill of writing, and i find satisfaction in the revision and editing process. to me, writing is like a puzzle, except that you get to make the pieces yourself and see how they would add to your paper. i believe that writing is one of the best ways to communicate creatively and uniquely, and when we strengthen our writing, we develop a superpower! i'm excited to work with students this semester and help them feel empowered through writing.


emily visker

hello everyone! my name is emma and i am a sophomore english and education major! this spring will mark my second semester at the writing studio. here's a little bit about me: i am an english major, so obviously reading and creative/analytical writing are two of my biggest passions and favorite pastimes. other than that, i grew up on the coast of lake michigan, so hiking and swimming are nostalgic ways for me to decompress. i enjoy bead work, indie femme rock, and chatting with friends about the randomest of things! i hope to see you at the writing studio soon!

shelby hallett

shelby hallett

hi, friends! my name is shelby hallett. i'm majoring in english teaching and minoring in spanish (i hope to study abroad in spain over the summer!) i love traveling, painting, and, of course, reading. really, any form of storytelling can catch my attention. recently, i've developed a love for narrative podcasts, but i'm down to nerd out over shows and movies too.

sophie lantzer

sophie lantzer

hey, everyone! my name is sophie lantzer, and i’m a junior english education major from northern michigan. i’m passionate about traveling, learning about different cultures, and meeting new people. my dream job is to become a full-time english teacher overseas. i hope to use my degree to serve and encourage others. i’m excited to work in the writing studio here at lipscomb, and i look forward to meeting you!

noah stump

noah stump

hi, my name is noah stump, and i'm a senior english writing major from central ohio! the only thing i like more than writing is reading, and i'm something of a bibliophile. i enjoy novels, fantasy stories, poetry, historical fiction, and psychological works. i'm happy to work at the writing studio to help anyone refine their writing and fully express their ideas through the written word!

emily winter

emily winter

hey! i’m emily winter, a junior from cincinnati, ohio. i’m an english education major with a french minor. this will be my second semester working in the writing studio! in true english major fashion, i love reading, particularly any book someone from tiktok tells me to read, and i love the grammar side of writing. i’m also a big coffee girl; you’ll almost never find me without it! i’m beyond excited to work with you!