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effective psychotherapy

all of us at lftc want to know that we are helping our clients, which is why we are so pleased that the numbers show that our clients tend to do very well in treatment.

tracking client outcomes

the outcomes below display the average client experience at lftc. it is important to keep in mind that an individual client’s experience at lftc may be very different from what is shown here.

treatment duration

at lftc, we do our best to work efficiently. the data show that we are doing just that.

  • 46.31% of clients have been to 6 or fewer sessions.

  • 60.18% of clients have attended 10 or fewer sessions.

  • 82.47% of clients have attended 20 or fewer sessions.

  • on average, clients attend 11.67 sessions.

of course, working quickly means nothing if clients don’t get better. fortunately, not only do the numbers show that clients get better, they also show that the clients like their therapists and are satisfied with therapy.

average outcome rating scale score

this table tells a story of improvement.

  • session 1: client scores show they are in a state of “clinical distress”

  • sessions 2-5: client scores have risen, indicating a higher level of well-being

  • sessions 6-20: clients scores continue to improve, showing they are in an enhancement stage of treatment

  • sessions 20+: the slight dip in ors scores not a sign that clients start to get worse after 20 sessions. it exists because relatively few clients attend 20 or more sessions and those who do often have lower ors scores at the start of treatment. thus, the fact that these scores are so high is quite remarkable. 

average session rating scale scores

this table shows that on average our clients get what they want out of therapy.

  • client satisfaction with therapy and their therapist increases throughout treatment

  • highly satisfied clients are more likely to do well and engage in the treatment process

  • our average client satisfaction scores are 4-5 points higher than those reported in published studies (e.g., hafkenscheid et al., 2010)