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reporting an incident

you can help by reporting incidents that violate university policies, including the sexual harassment and misconduct policy.

世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 was founded with a commitment to biblical faith and christian principles and is committed to providing a safe, secure and inclusive learning and working environment for our campus community. if you experienced, witnessed or have information about an incident of sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic or dating violence, stalking or discrimination you are encouraged to report the incident to the university. reporting an incident allows the university to provide the support needed to the individual(s) involved and to respond appropriately to prevent reoccurrence.

choosing to make a report and deciding how to proceed after making the report can be a process that unfolds over time—there is no time limit on making a report. it is important to note that you can report an incident of sexual misconduct to the title ix office without filing a formal complaint (initiating the formal grievance process). to the extent possible, lipscomb respects an individual’s autonomy. you are encouraged to talk with the title ix office to learn about the resources and options available to you for support and making an informed decision about your next steps.