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career connections center

career development center

identify your skills, examine potential industries you can apply them in and create connections that lead to real-world workforce experiences.

  • explore the opportunities in your field. finding relevant work experience can be overwhelming, but through platforms like linkedin and handshake, our office is here to help you find opportunities and career paths that match your skills and passions.
  • equip yourself for the workforce. we make sure you are equipped with the necessary tools to succeed, such as résumé writing and interview preparation. no matter what stage of the process, we offer support and guidance so that you are ready for new experiences. expand your preparation by enrolling in the career development courses we offer.
  • engage your talents and education. the career development center will help you identify your strengths through aptitudes, and personality and interests assessments. we will help you connect with professionals in your desired field, apply your gifts in the workplace and search for jobs after graduation.

tailored services

lipscomb offers tailored career support based on your major as well as your unique interests and needs. each career office has online resources available through mylipscomb and the handshake job board. an in-person visit will allow us to even better serve you, so email your career center today.

career development center

career development center

the career development center provides assistance with résumé writing, interview preparation, job search support and more. schedule an appointment for assistance.

lily works directly with the entertainment & the arts, professional studies, and graduate programs.

monica works directly with the health sciences, sciences, and math majors.

allison works directly with humanities, social sciences, education, bible and leadership & public policy majors.

career connection center

college of business career connection center

the career connection office is focused on professional development for business students through workshops, hosting networking events or working with you to shore up your resume and interviewing skills, we want to help you get where you want to go in your studies and in your career search.

career connection center
professional development center

engineering and technology professional development center

the professional development center specifically serves engineering and technology students by providing assistance with résumé writing, interview preparation, job search support, and more.

schedule an appointment with erin


"the career development center has been outstanding with my students this year. they teach students how to write an effective résumé and then coordinate practice interviews. coordinating the practice interviews has also been extremely helpful in building confidence and allowing students to practice their skills in a safe environment."

- jack spivey

"the career development center has been a great support to our students in kinesiology. monica does a presentation on résumé prep and interviewing for my senior seminar class, and then she and diane complete a practice interview geared toward their intended job or grad school goals. both the presentation and the interviews are so valuable to them because they are preparing for real-life interviews in the very near future!"

- ruth henry

"as an incoming freshman, i had several questions regarding course scheduling and the four years ahead of me. the advising team understands that this is your first time creating a personalized course schedule, and they are more than happy to answer any questions you may have. here to offer guidance and advice throughout the entirety of your college experience, their primary goal is to watch you succeed."

- maggie bevins
senior web application development major

student resources

center for vocational discovery

center for vocational discovery

the center for vocational discovery (cvd) aligns with lipscomb's reputation as a welcoming, christ-centered community. in this supportive environment, the cvd offers you as a student a truly unique experience. the center will take you through a four-year journey of life discovery that unifies your entire university experience to identify your calling.

work on campus

work on campus

at lipscomb, you will work with other professionals whose core values align with yours. you will be empowered to serve and innovate in a community that thrives on pursuing excellence.

student employment
federal work study

federal work study

the purpose of federal work study is to encourage and promote the part-time employment of students, as well as assist the university and its surrounding community. this program provides jobs for undergraduate students who are enrolled at least half-time with financial need as determined by the fafsa.

federal work study