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c.a.r.e. team

the office of student wellbeing is committed to the health and safety of each of our students. we prioritize this commitment through the campus assessment response and evaluation team (c.a.r.e. team)

the c.a.r.e. team exists to serve and support the well-being and safety of each member of our community.  in order to support our community it is important to have a space to address all students of concern. a student of concern is any student who may benefit from any additional support or connection to resources. this may include but is not limited to, any student who has experienced the loss of a loved one, is in need of additional academic or financial support, is dealing with any physical or mental health challenges, or has expressed harm to self or harm to others. our desire is to partner with students as they navigate these challenges and connect them to the best available resources.  

when a student is brought to the attention of the c.a.r.e. team, the team will assess the level of concern and address the concern accordingly. our team understands the sensitivity of this information and therefore prioritizes keeping this information confidential in accordance with ferpa guidelines.

please utilize the c.a.r.e. team referral form below if you are concerned for a student. this is an important step to better support all students and cultivate a healthier campus community.

c.a.r.e. team referral


who we are: 


the c.a.r.e. team is made up of individuals in offices across the campus who have expertise in student development, behavioral assessments and intervention, and resource connection. below is a list of the office titles that make up the c.a.r.e. team. 

  • c.a.r.e. team chair: director of student care
  • dean of student success and wellbeing
  • assistant dean of housing and residence life
  • director of university counseling center
  • director of student accountability and community standards
  • security representative
  • assistant director of the coggin family academic success center
  • director of health center
  • director of accessibility
  • director of community life
  • director of veteran affairs
  • avp for risk management, title ix
  • athletics representative
  • student care coordinator
  • faculty representative 
  • legal counsel

student situations that might be assessed by the c.a.r.e. team include, but are not limited to, the following:

academic signs 

  • deterioration in quality or quantity of work

  • repeated absences or lateness from class or commitments

  • continuous classroom disruptions

  • bizarre content in writings or presentations

  • disorganized or erratic performance

  • falling asleep in class

  • no response to repeated requests for contact or meetings

physical signs

  • change in energy level - either an increase or decrease 

  • change in personal hygiene or appearance

  • strange or bizarre behavior indicating a loss of contact with reality 

  • visibly intoxicated or smelling of alcohol or marijuana

  • changes in diet or weight-either weight gain or loss

  • observable signs of injury such as facial bruising or cuts

emotional signs

  • self-disclosure of personal distress

  • emotional outbursts including anger, irritation, sadness, or extreme happiness that is disproportionate to events

  • withdrawing from friends or previously enjoyed activities

  • expressions of hopelessness and fear

  • general low mood

  • expression of concern about the student by peers

suicidal warning signs 

  • verbal, written or implied references to suicide, homicide, assault, or self-injurious behaviors

  • talking about feeling trapped or wanting to “escape”

  • behaving recklessly

  • written work that is dominated by themes of despair, hopelessness, suicide, violence, death, or aggression

  • giving away favorite possessions

  • a sudden and dramatic increase in mood can also indicate that an individual is considering suicide levels

additional questions?

please contact laura.thorson [at] (laura thorson), director of student care and c.a.r.e. team chair. 

office number: 615-966-7601

her office is located on the first floor of the bennett campus center.

the c.a.r.e. team is not an emergency response team. call 911 in the case of an emergency and/or campus security & safety at 615-966-7600

c.a.r.e. team handbook