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transfer scholarships

we have several unique scholarship options for transfer students to ensure that an excellent education is within financial reach, whether you’re coming from a community college or from another four-year university.

if you have enrolled full-time at another college or university for at least one full semester after high school, then we consider you a transfer student, which makes you eligible for our transfer scholarships based on your final cumulative college grade point average. many of the transfer scholarships that we offer are stackable.

at the end of each semester you spend at lipscomb, you’ll be eligible to renew the transfer scholarships you’ve been awarded as long as you still meet our criteria. check below to see our scholarship options and gpa requirements for each.

students who previously attended 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 are considered returning students and do not qualify for transfer scholarships. additionally, students pursuing their second bachelor's degree at 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 are considered second-degree seeking students and do not qualify for transfer scholarships.

transfer student scholarships